We are highly skilled professionals with a huge practical and scientific experience in various aspects of innovation development in different EU and CIS countries. Our members understand the changing needs of the transfer and exchange of knowledge and innovations and through continuous professional development, marketing and networking opportunities offered in this association, we keep current with the latest knowledge trends and issues that challenge people in their work and life journey. We also offer expansive opportunities for partner connection through our networks.
FRANCeXP Association, International Institute of Paris, International Forum of the Territories, Regional Studies Association, Association “Baltic InterRegional Development hub”, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Department of Economic Theory, Ternopil National Economic University, Vinnitsa National Agrarian University, Institute of Cross-Border Cooperation and Integration.
Our services for private and public sectors:
- help find partners in a specific area for developing and implementing joint projects;
- develop projects on knowledge and innovations transfer and exchange and manage them;
- deliver products, services, information and trainings that accelerate development, efficiency and profitability of organizations and individuals;
- help organizations and individuals increase network availability to improve employee productivity, skills and experiences;
- facilitate knowledge transfer and exchange by providing innovators with the opportunity to meet and network in the enlarged Europe and CIS countries;
- improve exchange of knowledge and experience between the Government, business, research institutions, individuals and other professionals across all sectors;
- bring people together to stimulate knowledge transfer and exchange – from businesses of any size, research organisations, universities and individuals to the Government and communities;
- develop and deliver management training programmes that apply our original innovative thinking and academic expertise to real world issues;
- help you reward and retain your employees while equipping them with the skills, knowledge and experience to take your business forward.